Sunday, August 14, 2011

Almond Strawberry Cookies

Satu lagi kue unggulan lebaran dari ningnong.cakes & cookies.
Rasa almondnya kriuk-kriuk renyah, plus asam segar strawberry jam.

Source resep:

Saya sudah modifikasi biar sesuai sama selera saya, juga pakai almond daripada hazelnut yang mehong minta ampun :)

Almond Strawberry Cookies

ini resep aslinya ya

1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened
1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar
1 large egg, separated, each part lightly beaten
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1/8 teaspoon coarse salt
1/2 cup toasted skinned hazelnuts, ground
Strawberry jam, for filling

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Put butter and 1/2 cup sugar in the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the paddle attachment; mix on medium speed until pale and fluffy, about 3 minutes.
Add egg yolk and vanilla, and mix well. Reduce speed to low. Add flour and salt, and mix until just combined. Refrigerate dough for 2 hours.

Stir together toasted hazelnuts and remaining 2 tablespoons sugar in a small bowl. Roll dough into 1-inch balls; dip balls in egg white, then in hazelnut-sugar mixture. Space 1 inch apart on baking sheets lined with parchment paper. Press down center of each ball with your thumb. Bake for 10 minutes.

Remove from oven; press down centers again with the end of a wooden spoon. Return to oven. Bake cookies until golden brown, 8 to 10 minutes more. Let cool slightly on sheets on wire racks. Fill each center with jam.

---> kalau saya, abis dibuletin2, gak pake putih telor langsung digulingin di almond ancur. Terus, tekan deh tengahnya pake jempol, isi deh pakai selai. Baru dipanggang.. yummi...!


  1. tampak enak #pengalaman kukis kacang hihihi jadi pingin bikin kukis kacang lebaran ini kalo yg almond ini suka males manggang kacangnya dulu, higs sok teu garing jadinya malah gak enak -___-

  2. sepertinya enaaaakk....mari buaaattt....*punya stok mede siiihhh

  3. waduh bahasa engres euyyy... sebentar, saya kopi ya mbak, trus saya translate :D.....

  4. hahahahahaha....
    akyu blom pernah nemu hazelnut butiran tuh
    kira2 se-ons-nya berapaan tuh ning ? ... *siap2 kaget*

  5. WHUAH, pingin buat!
    Aa doyan cookies banget, Mbak'e :-p
    Hihihi, tapi belum sempet2 juga beli oven.
    Alhamdulillah sudah berhasil nabung, yippie :D

  6. @ Ima: sippp! Semoga cepet bisa kebeli oven yg dicita2kan :)

  7. Hehehe, insyaAllah kebeli Mbak, soalnya oven tangkring sajah, masih rumah kontrakan, ribet kalo beli oven segede gaban :-p

    Mo nabung juga sih, biar bisa di'pandang' bank cukup layak ambil kredit rumah :-D

  8. @ Ima: pelan2..satu-satu.. Oven tangkring dulu, baru nanti klo bnyk pesanan beli deh oven gaban :). Yuuuk, bobo duyuuu :))
